Showing posts with label Clarins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clarins. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Clarins White Plus HP

Clarins White Plus HP
Sea Lily Enriched
"From deep within, luminosity is restored"

Salam and Hai everyone...
Now.. This is my latest on to the date right now skin care product. I have to say that i think I've found my ultimate one skin care regime that i have been searching for ages... It gives me what i want, it has what i want...
Introducing CLARINS white plus HP range...

Well actually i have been wanting to try clarins for a while already. I always gave a glance on their counter each time i pass through them. But i don't know why i didn't stop and explore... may be i'm saving it for the last or pretending that there will be a perfect right time for CLARINS gliding on my face.... So this time its ur time CLARINS.. welcome to my world!

Last Thursday, me and miss NH stopped by to CLARINS promotion counter in Pavilion KL. We met a nice BA Yvase... She showed and helped me to try out all the Clarins white plus HP products... I was so temted and bought myself a set of Clarins white plus HP best buy product:

 This is among the products available in the best buy set together a sample of face lifting and milk toner (the small small cute bottle/golden tube)

Will update u guys later with reviews... but till now i am so in live with this line from CLARINS...